Entity Summary
ID Number: 000487170    
Summary for:  A & P Fire Systems, L.L.C.
The exact name of the Domestic Limited Liability Company:   A & P Fire Systems, L.L.C.
Converted into A&P FIre Systems, Inc. on 12-18-2012
Entity type:   Domestic Limited Liability Company
Identification Number: 000487170
Date of Organization in Rhode Island:   11-07-2008 Effective Date:   11-07-2008
Date of Conversion:   12-18-2012  
The location of the Principal Office:
Address: 264 CENTRAL AVENUE, APT. 1
City or Town, State, Zip, Country: EAST PROVIDENCE,   RI   02914   USA
The mailing address or specified office:
Address: 264 CENTRAL AVENUE, APT. 1 APT. 1
City or Town, State, Zip, Country: EAST PROVIDENCE,   RI   02914   USA
Agent Resigned:  N   Address Maintained:  Y  
The name and address of the Resident Agent:
City or Town, State, Zip, Country: EAST PROVIDENCE,   RI   02914   USA
The limited liability company is to be managed by its Members
The name and business address of each Manager:
TitleIndividual nameAddress
North American Industry Classification System Code(NAICS):
View filings for this business entity:
Click here to access 2006 and 2007 annual reports filed prior to July 25, 2007. The corporate ID is required.