Entity Summary
ID Number: 000030705    
Summary for:  ChemLawn Services Corporation
The exact name of the Foreign Corporation:   ChemLawn Services Corporation
Entity type:   Foreign Corporation
Identification Number: 000030705
Date of Qualification in Rhode Island:   09-21-1984 Effective Date:   09-21-1984
Date of Revocation of Authority:   01-25-1994  
Organized under the laws of: State: OH Country: USA
The location of the Principal Office:
City or Town, State, Zip, Country:       USA
The mailing address or specified office:
City or Town, State, Zip, Country:      
Agent Resigned:  N   Address Maintained:  Y  
The name and address of the Registered Agent:
Address: 123 DYER ST.
City or Town, State, Zip, Country: PROVIDENCE,   RI   02903   USA
The Officers and Directors of the Corporation:
TitleIndividual NameAddress
The total number of shares and the par value, if any, of each class of stock which this business entity is authorized to issue:
Class of Stock Series Par value per share Total Authorized Total issued and outstanding
No. of shares No. of shares
North American Industry Classification System Code(NAICS):
View filings for this business entity:
Click here to access 2006 and 2007 annual reports filed prior to July 25, 2007. The corporate ID is required.